South DeepSouth Africa
Uncle Harry
Mining Type/s:
Open-pit, Underground
Opening Year:
Acquisition Year:
Company's Share (%):
Mine Site Score2.17 / 6.00

Source documents used in scoring

Select quantity
Source DocumentIndicatorsSelect File
Gold Fields - 2016 - Integrated Annual Review 2016MS.01.1, MS.02.1, MS.03.1
Gold Fields - 2016 - CDP Water SubmissionMS.05.1
Gold Fields - 2013 - South Deep Mine Valuing Biodiversity (June-July 2013 Golden Mirror report)MS.06.1

Mining companies are not the only actors to shape reality on the ground. Home country and producing country governments are among the powerful players to set the conditions within which companies operate. The table below provides a set of proxy indicators on the socio-economic, policy, governance and security environments in the home country of the company and the producing country of the mine site.

Producing Country
South Africa
World Bank economy classificationUpper middle income (2017)
IHDI (Inequality-adjusted Human Development Index)102/151 (2015)
World Bank List of Fragile Situationsno (2018)
Global Peace Index123/163 (2017)
Global Hunger Index55/119 (2017)
GDP per capita ($)5,285 (2016)
GDP annual growth (%)0.28 (2016)
Tax revenue (% of GDP)27.27 (2015)
Mining sector (% of GDP)2.19 (2015)
Ores and Metals (% of export)23.58 (2016)
ILO Convention 169 (Indigenous and Tribal Peoples)Not ratified
ILO Convention 176 (Safety and Health in Mines)Ratified
EITI (Extractive Industry Transparency Initiative)Not an EITI country (2017)
Voluntary Principles on Security and Human Rights-
NRGI Resource Governance Index23/89 (2017)
World Bank WGI Control of Corruption84/209 (2016)
Corruption Perceptions Index64/176 (2016)
WEF Global Competitiveness Index61/137 (2017-2018)
Country Attractiveness Index32/125 (2016)
Tax Attractiveness Index51/100 (2017)
Financial Secrecy Index50/112 (2018)
Enforcing Contracts Index115/190 (2017)
Environmental Democracy Index04/70 (2015)
See list of sources


The findings, conclusions and interpretations within this 2018 Responsible Mining Index (RMI) report do not necessarily represent the views of funders, trustees, and employees of the Responsible Mining Foundation, and others who participated in consultations and as advisors to the report.

This report is intended to be for information purposes only and is not intended as promotional material in any respect. The report is not intended to provide accounting, legal, tax or investment advice or recommendations, neither is it intended as an offer or solicitation for the purchase or sale of any financial instrument. In order to fully understand the methodology of the 2018 Responsible Mining Index, the respective sections on the website should be consulted.

The RMI seeks evidence of companies’ policies and practices on economic, environmental, social and governance (EESG) issues, but does not seek to measure the actual outcomes achieved on EESG issues. Results are based only on evidence sourced from the public domain or provided by companies as open data. Whilst this information is believed to be reliable, no guarantee can be given that it is accurate or complete, nor does it preclude the possibility that policies and practices may exist, but which the RMI has not been able to consider for purposes of assessment. In this respect, the results of the low-scoring companies do not necessarily reflect a lack of relevant policies and practices; as they may be due to a lack of public reporting by the companies, limitations in accessing information, and/or any difficulties in accessing the RMI company portal.

It should be noted that, prior to publication, all companies in the Index were invited to check the factual accuracy of the contextual data and evidence upon which the Index is based and to review company information in the RMI document library.

Although every effort has been made to verify the accuracy of translations, the English language version should be taken as the definitive version. The RMI reserves the right to publish corrigenda on its web page, and readers of the 2018 RMI report should consult the web page for corrections or clarifications